Ms. Dosies Homes
for Women and Children
At Ms. Dosies Home for Women and Children, we foster positive change through co-living and shared supportive housing. We offer a secure and nurturing environment designed to meet your needs and support your journey. Explore our services to see if we are the right fit for you.
Our Mission
Welcome to Ms. Dosies Homes for Women and Children.
Our mission is to transform lives by providing affordable shared, supportive housing, and a pathway to a brighter future creating safe, nurturing, and empowering environments for homeless and at risk consumers.
Our holistic approach goes beyond housing, we are offering a place to call home that includes comprehensive support and life skills to help break barriers and the cycles of homelessness, poverty, hunger, violence, and substance abuse.
At Ms. Dosies Homes, our passionate team works closely with each consumer to set and achieve personalized goals in employment, education, mental health, sobriety, and permanent housing. We are committed to offering affordable, shared supportive housing, that equips our guests with the tools they need to reintegrate into society and build stable, productive lives.
Serving the Los Angeles County, Antelope Valley area and Dallas Fort Worth, Texas, we are on a mission to extend our reach and make an impact across the United States. Our welcoming and comfortable environments are designed to provide, support, peace, healing, and a sense of stability. At Ms. Dosies Homes for Women and Children, we are more than a shelter, or housing; we are a launching pad for a new beginning.

Ms. Dosies Homes for Women and Children, is dedicated to addressing the critical social issues impacting the homeless community. Our belief is that by uniting our community around the challenges of homelessness, hunger, employment and education we can make a significant difference. We aim to foster a collective understanding of the importance of offering a helping hand and encourage active community engagement in providing housing and support to those in need.
Understanding the root causes of homelessness is key to effective intervention. We are committed to more than just providing shelter; we are a vital part of Los Angeles County and its surrounding communities, working towards a 95% success rate in rapid rehousing for several demographic's some to name: families, veterans, individuals, young adults, and the elderly. Leaving 5% for growth.
At Ms. Dosies Homes, our focus is to ensure that every consumer has access to affordable, clean, and safe housing where they can find solace and stability.
By carefully assessing each individual's needs, strengths, and challenges, and collaborating with the community to develop tailored solutions, we are dedicated to rebuilding lives. Our goal is to reduce the risk of recurrence into homelessness, gangs, violence, sexual and substance abuse, ultimately empowering individuals and families to become stronger and more resilient.

In Loving Memory of

Perry Roscoe Ugene McNeal
9/21/82 - 5/4/2020

Beverly Jo(Ms.Dosie) McNeal
1961 - 1991

We accept everyone as they are and do not discriminate based on race, color, sex, religion or national origin. At Ms. Dosies, we welcome you with open arms as you are and advocate for diversity in our community.
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started”
-Mark Twain